Our factory | Ennolys | Natural ingredients | Lesaffre
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Our factory

The Ennolys Production Site

A subsidiary of the Lesaffre Group, Ennolys is a biotechnology company based in the South West of France. Specialized in the microbiological development of natural ingredients, our products are intended for the food, nutraceutical and cosmetic markets.

The ENNAROM and ENNATECH activities come from the transformation of natural substances by selected yeasts, fungi or bacteria  and QPS.

These skills also benefit shared projects with the group including the production of yeast and enzymes that are marketed internally by Lesaffre.

Ennolys in figures


30 years of experience

picto 85 employés

More than 100 employees


More than 25 countries

The Ennolys key dates

  • 1992

    SAFISIS is founded with the support of the Research and Development department of the Lesaffre group

  • 2001

    A distillation workshop is commissioned for the purification of its natural aromatic molecule

  • 2004

    Making its know-how in the field of fermentation available to manufacturers (agro-food, cosmetics, pharmacy, etc.), under the name SAFTOLL

  • 2014

    A specific workshop for vanillin

  • 2015

    July – New investment: 1 Freeze-dryer

  • 2015

    November – Change of the name: SAFISIS becomes ENNOLYS

  • 2016

    2 New fermenters

  • 2018

    New vanillin extraction workshop

  • 2019

    Freeze-dryer 2, Wastewater treatment plant, Vanillin workshop extension

  • 2020

    Catalytic oxidizer, Fermentation hall extension, Logistics warehouse

  • 2021

    Sourdough packaging: line cans and IBC

  • 2022

    30 years old!

    Renovation of Lab and social premises, Freezing of bacteria creams

  • 2023

    Construction of an organic acid conditioning workshop